Of Light Fibre Sculptures & Metal Butterflies
In 2015, we attached strands of light fibres in loops to a textile rope net and ensured that a temporary light sculpture illuminated the facade and foyer of the Hamburg State Opera in the dark. Two years earlier, we made sure that 24 colourful stainless steel butterflies, each weighing 24 kilograms and measuring almost one metre in diameter, hung securely from the ceiling of Stuttgart’s Olgäle Children’s Hospital: Werner Sobek worked closely with the Stuttgart artist rosalie for over a decade and contributed to the successful realisation of many of her works with his ingenious structural engineering.
Born Gudrun Müller in Gemmringen in 1953, the artist passed away in 2017 at the age of 64. The collaboration with rosalie was always enriching and inspiring for us and it was a pleasure to have contributed to the realisation of these beautiful works.