14 February 2019, Cologne/Germany
On 14 February 2019, Werner Sobek gives a lecture at Cologne’s MAKK Museum (An der Rechtschule, 50667 Cologne/Germany). The lecture starts at 7 p.m. and is free of charge. The organizers announce Werner Sobek’s lecture as follows:
“A heavyweight of lightweight construction in our series “Vordenker”. Werner Sobek opens horizons where others only see problems. As one of the initiators of the German Sustainable Building Council, full professor at the University of Stuttgart and head of the Institute for Lightweight Construction Design and Construction (ILEK), the architectural thinker has had a lasting influence on our relationship to building. Werner Sobek demands a “positive relationship to the natural environment, to its users and to the technology inherent in it” from young master builders. His lecture will show which challenges lie ahead of all builders in the coming decades – and with which techniques and materials we can master these challenges.”