23/24 March 2020, Stuttgart/Germany
We are pleased to present three of our projects at the Conference on Structural Engineering in Stuttgart/Germany on 23 and 24 March 2020. On 23 March 2020 Matteo Brunetti and Lucio Blandini (Managing Director and Partner of Werner Sobek AG) will talk about the parametric engineering at Kuwait International Airport. In addition to a presentation by Principal Holger Hinz and Roland Bechmann (Managing Director and Partner of Werner Sobek AG) about our project “The ThyssenKrupp Test Tower”, Principal Angelika Schmid, Johannes Kuhnt and Clemens Neugereut will speak on 24 March 2020 about the new Stuttgart Underground Station (S21).
The complete programme can be found at: https://www.bb14.uni-stuttgart.de/