A milestone of urban renewal
Within the framework of the Stuttgart 21 rail project, various stations and routes of the Stuttgart trams have to be converted or newly equipped. Due to the difficult topology in the Stuttgart basin, the access tunnels to the new through station must cross the tram lines on both the north and south sides. To make it possible for an existing line to cross one of the new tunnels, construction work involves raising the station „Staatsgalerie“ (State Gallery). Construction work is being carried out within the particularly confined conditions of the inner-city road system that carries high volumes of traffic. The new station „Staatsgalerie“ features an open design with a domed roof above a three-line tunnel.
We are pleased about the visible construction progress of the modern station!
An impressive drone flight over the construction site can be viewed under: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnA_rU1DKhY
A report of the new Stuttgart central station in German can be found on page 643 ff. in the conference volume “Baustatik 2020” at: https://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/handle/11682/10779