Balthasar Neumann Prize 2018
Werner Sobek was awarded the Balthasar Neumann Prize 2018 for the exemplary interdisciplinary cooperation at our TKT project in Rottweil. The award ceremony will take place on May 17, 2018 at the Residenz Würzburg. Congratulations to all project participants!
The Balthasar Neumann Prize is awarded for the exemplary, innovative and technically established collaboration between various specialist disciplines in a building which, as a result of this cooperation, has outstanding architectural and technical qualities.
This cooperation does not only refer to cooperative partnerships between architects and structural engineers in the realization of a building design, but also to the cooperation of architects and planning engineers from various disciplines.
The prize is awarded for the successful cooperation in the field of architecture, structure and sustainability and is awarded to the planners of these three areas as well as to the client.