Prof. Lucio Blandini will represent our company at the 26th buildingSmart Forum in Berlin on 10 November 2022. The event will focus on the topics of sustainability and new contract models for digital planning, building and operation. Lucio Blandini has been invited to the Forum specifically as an expert for the link between digitalization and sustainability.
The forum offers the opportunity for an exchange between experts from practice and representatives from politics. In addition to the Chairwoman of the Building Committee in the Bundestag, Sandra Weeser (FDP), members of the Bundestag Isabel Cademartori (SPD), Michael Kießling (CSU) and Kassem Taher Saleh (Bündnis90/Die Grünen) are also invited to the discussion.
The buildingSmart Forum will take place on 10 November 2022 from 9:00 to 16:15 at the Stadtbad Oderberger in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg. Registration is required.
Photo: Andreas Henn