
Conference Volume “Baustatik 2020”

Every three years, the German Conference on Structural Engineering invites experts to a dialogue between practice and university research. The conference focuses on current developments in calculation methods and design concepts as well as challenges in current construction projects. The conference is organized by academic institutions for structural engineering in Germany. Since the 14th conference had to be postponed due to Corona, the organizers make the extensive conference volume available free of charge: https://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/handle/11682/10779

We are pleased to have provided four contributions to this important publication:

. Ein außergewöhnliches Beispiel für Ingenieursarchitektur: der ThyssenKrupp Testturm
(Holger Hinz, Roland Bechmann; pp. 129 ff.)
. Komplexität berechenbar machen: das parametrische Engineering des Kuwait International Airport
(Matteo Brunetti, Lucio Blandini; pp. 367 ff.)
. Herausforderungen bei Berechnung und Bemessung des Tragwerks des neuen Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhofs
(Angelika Schmid, Johannes Kuhnt, Clemens Neugart, pp. 643 ff.)
. Masseneinsparungspotential beim Einsatz adaptiver Strukturelemente in Hochhaustragwerken
(Simon Steffen, Michael Böhm, Walter Haase, Oliver Sawodny, Werner Sobek; pp. 787 ff.)

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