Dawns that have not yet broken…
To honor the 70th birthday of philosopher Peter Sloterdijk, the ZKM in Karlsruhe held a three-day symposium. The symposium called “Of Dawns of Day that Have not yet Broken” was not only meant to analyze the philosophical, but also the literary, economical, ecological, art-theoretical, political and religious-analytical aspects of the extraordinarily extensive oeuvre of Peter Sloterdijk. Werner Sobek was one of the few selected speakers who were invited to give a lecture at the symposium. His lecture titled “Building for the World of Tomorrow” was video-recorded and can now be watched on YouTube at https://youtu.be/oxe3Ll1ZrtM. An English-language transscript of his speech can be found here: 2017-06-24 Speech Symposium Peter Sloterdijk.