Engineering for future architects
Our colleagues Clemens Neugart and Christoph Wahner now also work as lecturers at the University of Biberach – congratulations on this responsible position! The two of them teach structural design for students of architecture. Clemens Neugart (structural theory 1) focuses on structural analysis, strength theory and structural theory, while Christoph Wahner (structural theory 2) deals with the description and design of structures. Structural Theory 1 it is about structural components, loads, force operations, equilibrium formation, the description of static systems, the learning of the determination of cutting forces, deformations and stresses in structural components and, last but not least, structural properties of building materials. Structural Theory 2 deals with various interesting built projects that are analysed in group or team work and described by the students in a short presentation. The aim is to provide a good basis for architects and engineers to work together during their studies. Subsequently, small design tasks (e.g. roofing / pedestrian bridge / temporary observation tower) are set, which are worked on by the students. As part of this work they develop supporting structures and present them in the form of sketches, drawings and models.