News from Copenhagen: Pecha Kucha for Sustainability
Our colleagues from Werner Sobek København have launched a new format to address the complex topic of “sustainability”. Under the title “Emissions in connection with the refurbishment of existing buildings”, Stefanie Weidner moderated the first Pecha Kucha round of the new regulars’ table format in Copenhagen.
The aim of the series of events is to enable an intensive and at the same time informal exchange between different actors in the building sector (architects, engineers, building owners and many more).
The venue for the first event was the Copenhagen Capacity office. The next meetings will take place in different offices, each offering their perspective on sustainability for discussion.
Pecha Kucha (Jap. for “chatting all the time”) usually involves 20 slides being shown for 20 seconds each to accompany short oral presentations. The format was first used in 2003 in Tokyo by the two architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham at a design event.