non nobis Book from Werner Sobek

non nobis – We do not Act for Ourselves Alone

The new book, volume 1 of the “non nobis” trilogy by architect and engineer Werner Sobek, is entitled “Starting from what is”. With this quotation from Josef Beuys, Werner Sobek presents on almost 300 pages all the facts and analyses that are responsible for an understanding of the climate-damaging role of building. Werner Sobek provides precise answers to these questions in the strikingly designed factual and technical book by buero uebele, published by avedition. His goal: to build for more people without emissions and with less material.

Our latest podcast in the series “Building the Future”, is also dedicated to the contents of the book non nobis. Heike Bering interviews Werner Sobek on the subject of resource consumption in building. Take a listen right now on SoundCloud, Spotify or Apple Podcast.

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