Here you will find a selection of news related to our company. More information can be found in our social media channels on Instagram, Linkedln, Pinterest, Spotify, Youtube, and Xing.
Our UMAR experimental unit on the NEST campus in Dübendorf, Switzerland, demonstrates how a high-quality built environment can be created with products from waste processes – and how we ensure … more
What did the working world in an engineering office actually look like 25 years ago – and what has changed since then? Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Sundermann (Chief Quality Manager) reports on … more
The international online database “structurea” interviewed Roland Bechmann (Managing Director and Partner of Werner Sobek AG) on the topic of “Sustainability in the construction industry”. Roland Bechmann has been working … more
The planner portal Plan.One has produced an extensive video interview about our work at Kuwait International Airport. Prof. Lucio Blandini, member of the board and partner of Werner Sobek AG, … more
What does quality, attitude and teamwork mean at Werner Sobek? Daniel Torakai (team leader at Werner Sobek) talks about his work as an engineer – and the role digitalization plays … more
We have never seen our construction site of Stuttgart’s new underground railway station like this before – a new film (aptly produced in cooperation with the German vice world champion … more
“It has been known for years that the construction industry produces 35 percent of CO2 emissions and 50 percent of waste, and consumes 60 percent of resources”. The magazine Momentum … more
We are pleased with the progress of our Terminal 2 project in Kuwait. For the construction, 30,000 of the 36,964 shell cassettes have already been produced, which is 80% of … more
Werner Sobek supports the “Deutschlandstipendium” (German Scholarship) The “Deutschlandstipendium” (German Scholarship) goes into a new round. As in previous years, Werner Sobek is again sponsoring three scholarship holders. The German … more
Every three years, the German Conference on Structural Engineering invites experts to a dialogue between practice and university research. The conference focuses on current developments in calculation methods and design … more
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Förch (director of Werner Sobek Hamburg) has published an interesting study of laminated glass in the “International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research”. The article, which … more
The world’s leading conference Fabricate in London is specialized in the theme of Digital Fabrication. The focus is on the progressive integration of digital design with manufacturing processes, and its … more