R128 – 20 years of sustainability
The four-storey house R128 was designed by Werner Sobek in 2000 as a completely recyclable building, that produces no emissions and is self-sufficient in terms of heating energy requirement. It has a modular design and, due to its assembly by means of mortice-and-tenon joints and bolted joints, it cannot only be assembled and dismantled easily but can also be completely returned to the resource cycle.
Two recent publications show that after 20 years the building hasn’t lost its relevance and presence. We are particularly pleased about the 10-page report in the renowned French magazine “A’A’ – L’Architecture d’Aujord’hui”. As well as the selection of the 40 best houses from 40 years on the occasion of the magazine anniversary “Häuser”.
A sustainable change in the building industry is still an urgent task for us and we will continue to help shape it in the future. Congratulations R128 on 20 years of sustainability!