Rethinking Sustainability
On 2 March1972, the groundbreaking report “The Limits to Growth” by the Club of Rome was published. The report implacably showed that the limits to human growth would soon be reached. It was a wake-up call for many and contributed significantly to the emergence of ecological interest groups. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary, Bayerischer Rundfunk is dedicating a series of features and interviews to the topic “Limits to Growth – Sustainability Rethought”. On 2 March 2022, Prof. Werner Sobek will be a guest on Bayerischer Rundfunk. This will of course also be about his new book, namely volume 1 of the trilogy “non nobis“. On 300 pages, facts and analyses from a worldwide survey are published: insights into the climate-damaging role of building. “We are not born for ourselves alone, we do not act for ourselves alone: what we decide and do as a society today has an impact far into the future,” says Werner Sobek. The non-fiction and reference book is published by av edition, strikingly designed by buero uebele. Further information on the Bavarian Radio programme can be found here.