Collage Rückblick 2023

Standing Ovations, a Shower of Prizes, and Many Ideas for the Future – 2023 in Retrospective

Lifetime Award for Werner Sobek

The spring started with a very special award for our company founder: his tireless commitment to the responsible use of resources and the environment earned Werner Sobek a lifetime achievement award from Immobilienmanager in March. In the laudatory speech, Werner Sobek was described as a “visionary and trailblazer” in times of imminent comprehensive change in the construction industry in the face of climate change.

A great honour!

Werner Sobek Preisträger Lifetime Award Immobilienmanager 2023

Farewell Lecture by Prof. Werner Sobek

With standing ovations, Werner Sobek then bid farewell to his active work as a university lecturer on May 25, 2023 in front of more than 900 enthusiastic listeners. Werner Sobek, who also celebrated his 70th birthday in May 2023, will remain active as an author, speaker and critical voice on issues of sustainability in the construction industry in times of climate change.

Building the Future: The Werner Sobek Newsletter

On May 17, 2023, the time had finally come: after intensive preparatory work, the very first Werner Sobek Newsletter went online – the topic was, of course, the farewell lecture by our company founder. With the newsletter, we want to report in a concentrated manner on topics that we believe are of particular importance to us and our readers. We plan to publish four to six issues per year.

Subscribe to newsletter

non nobis 2

The second volume of Werner Sobek’s “non nobis” trilogy was published in October 2023. Entitled “On the boundary conditions of the future”, the new work shows conceivable corridors of action that remain for us to at least slow down man-made climate change. The fourth edition of the first part of the series was published in summer 2022 – the great interest in this important topic gives us hope!

Order the book

Rain of Prizes in the Fall

#jetzklimachen award

In September, our office received an award for “exemplary commitment” at the state government’s #jetzklimachen prize and our pioneering P18 project in Stuttgart received an award for its “exemplary character”.

We would particularly like to take this opportunity to thank our project manager Max Mannschreck, who has supported the project with great commitment and passion from the very beginning.

P18 in the evening sun

IWS Immobilienaward

Shortly afterwards, the PlusEnergy Quarter received another award – this time the IWS Real Estate Award. Every year, the award goes to “exceptional properties and projects from the Stuttgart metropolitan region that set standards in terms of design, economy, technology or ecology and demonstrate a high degree of innovation.”

A great award!

BIM Award and Award at the Hugo Häring Prize 2023

In November, P18 once again received a BIM Award and our GARP Education Centre facade project in Nürtingen was honoured as part of the Hugo Häring Prize 2023. “The project prevailed in the vote of the high-calibre jury due to its special sustainability, even during the operating phase,” reads the press release for the BIM Award.

We are very proud of this great honour!

BIM Award P18

German Sustainability Award 2023

Also in November, we were delighted to receive the German Sustainability Award 2023. According to the jury, our company has made “particularly effective, exemplary contributions to transformation, thereby setting an example and sending the right signals to its industry and beyond“.

We are delighted with these words of praise and the fantastic award.

German-Danish Business Award 2023

Our Danish office, led by Dr. Stefanie Weidner, won the German-Danish Business Award as “German Company of the Year 2023“. We are delighted to receive this award, especially because Denmark is considered a role model in Europe when it comes to sustainability.

German-Danish Business Award
Materialpreis 2023 Pokale

Green Facade wins 2023 Materialpreis

Last but not least, our green facade on Calwer Passage was awarded with the Matieralpreis 2023. “This building, which is exemplary for the development of inner-city facade greening, sends out a signal effect,” the jury commented.

Another prize that honors our work for the transformation of the construction industry towards a sustainable future!

2023 was also an eventful year for us at Werner Sobek. We have achieved a great deal in our efforts to transform our built environment towards greater sustainability. In the future, however, we will certainly all have to go even further to make our planet liveable for future generations – not only by avoiding or minimizing damage, but also by actively contributing to regeneration through our actions.