Workshoptag "Nachhaltig Bauen" der Bauindustrie NRW Stefanie Weidner

Sustainability as the Linchpin

According to the federal government’s targets, CO2 emissions in Germany must be reduced by at least 88% by 2040 compared to 1990. Net greenhouse gas neutrality is even to be achieved by 2045. The building sector is responsible for more than 40% of CO2 emissions. What do the targets for emission savings mean for planners and for builders? How can and how must we build in the future?

Our sustainability expert Dr Stefanie Weidner gives clear answers to this question in the Heinze podcast Architekturfunk. The topic of sustainability must be a mandatory part of every project right from the start of planning. All further processes must be adapted accordingly. If the course is set in good time, the specified goals can be achieved even with the resources already available today – as long as all those involved actually pull together.

Stefanie Weidner was already intensively involved with sustainability in construction during her studies and eventually also completed her doctorate on this topic. She heads our office in Copenhagen and is Director Sustainability Strategies at Werner Sobek AG.

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