TKT Grand Opening
Our project TKT – the test tower of tkyssenkrupp elevators in Rottweil (one of Germany’s oldest cities!) – was opened on 6/7 October 2017 with a series of celebrations and events. As of now, the visitors’ platform can be visited by everybody (at least at the weekend). At the grand opening, Baden-Württemberg’s prime minister, Winfried Kretschmann, signed the Golden Book of the City of Rottweil – and then had a look at one of the vertigo-inducing test shafts with a height of 230 m…
You may take a look at the current situation of the membrane facade by using the following link: http://testturm.thyssenkrupp-elevator.com/live-rottweil/. A very nice TV documentary (even though only in German) may be found at http://swrmediathek.de/player.htm?show=98145ba0-a776-11e7-a5ff-005056a12b4c. Enjoy!