International Women´s Day Vive les femmes

Vive les femmes!

Vive les femmmes!

At Werner Sobek we also celebrate International Women’s Day today. We are happy to have so many successful women working in our company. On the occasion of today’s event we asked 12 colleagues to tell us what they like most about in their profession. Here are their answers:

Angelika Schmid, Team Manager

In my job, I am driven to advance and improve processes and projects in all respects (technical and organisational). All employees, team members and partners benefit from this, they are more satisfied, enjoy their work and their performance is increased.


Monika Bauer, Secretary

Since I originally learned a creative profession (in a different industry), I am fascinated by the art of aesthetic interaction between people and built space, combined with the planned design and construction of buildings. The consideration and protection of our natural resources is also great.


Kristina Bastron, Project Engineer

Making a positive contribution to building culture and society through creative solutions.


Stefanie Weidner, Office Manager

It is a personal desire to contribute to a sustainable building industry. The built and natural environment must remain liveable for many generations to come, and building can play an essential part in this. We are at a historically unique crossroads and can now contribute significantly to an improvement (but also deterioration). I would like to use this influence positively.


Sina Windt, Team Leader Facade

It never gets boring. Every project brings exciting new challenges.


Vanessa Propach, Sustainability Consultant

Through my work in the field of sustainable construction, I am using an effective lever against climate change and the consumption of finite resources, thus actively shaping a sustainable future.


Sophie Hartwig, Brand Manager

I want to make visible the diverse work that Werner Sobek does and the valuable contributions we make to the sustainable improvement of the built environment.


Thivya Athmanathan, Project Engineer

The idea that you can help shape your environment for decades to come and get everything out of it that is physically possible.


Alexandra Mrzigod, Project Manager

Advancing future-compatible design & construction with a strong focus on reducing grey emissions in the building sector. At the same time, networking with other building professionals in order to jointly reduce the impact of the building sector on climate change.


Lara Katscher, Team Leader

Laying the foundation for a new sustainable built environment through fun teamwork. Only together can we make a truly sustainable contribution.


Nefeli Mavroeidi, Project Manager

Dealing with highly complex issues, the diverse range of services and the integral approach to the projects are precisely the aspects that I enjoy and that drive me in my day-to-day work at the Werner Sobek Team. Dealing with new challenges every day and at the same time being able to shape a sustainable future cater for my personal need to want to become better.


Katharina Wolgast, Project Engineer

The civil engineering profession is so diverse. Every area of civil engineering fulfils a purpose that benefits our society. For this reason, I find the English term “civil engineering” even more appropriate for my profession. It is an engineering science that is meant to benefit society – and that drives me!

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