What Impact will the Federal Election have on the Real Estate Industry?
The federal election on 23 February 2025 will set the course for the coming years – what impact will the results have on the real estate industry? What impetus does the industry urgently need? Where are the fields of action?
An expert discussion hosted by Drees & Sommer SE and the law firm Heuking will address these questions shortly after the election results are announced.
In the live online event entitled “Update Due Diligence – Bundestag Election Special”, our company founder Prof. Werner Sobek will be discussing with Dr. Iris Beuerle (vbs association director), Rainer Wieland (association chairman for the Stuttgart region) and Dirk Wehinger (managing director Argon GmbH). The digital expert talk will take place on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.