Steffen Feirabend

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Feirabend
Scientific Committee
since 2017 Professor for Digital Design and Construction at the HFT Stuttgart/Germany
2014 − 2022 Principal at Werner Sobek Stuttgart
2012 − 2016 Lecturer at the University of Stuttgart
2012 - 2014 Head of steel glass projects at seele GmbH, Gersthofen/Germany
2010 PhD in Structural Engineering
since 2007
Representative in DIN-code
comission for design of glass structures
2007 - 2012 Project manager at Werner Sobek Stuttgart
2002 - 2007
Research Assistant at the Institute for Lightweight Structures and
Conceptual Design (ILEK) Stuttgart/Germany
2000 - 2007 Project engineer at Werner Sobek Stuttgart
1993 - 1999
Studied Civil Engineering at the University of Stuttgart and
University of Calgary/Canada
1973 Born in Stuttgart/Germany