Timo Schmidt

Prof. Dr.sc.hum. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Timo Schmidt
Scientific Committee
since 2013 Professor for Facade Technology and Design at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
2008 – 2013 Lecturer at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) (USA)
2008 Dissertation for doctor of human sciences (Dr.sc.hum)
2007 Teaching activity at Harvard University Massachusetts (USA)
since 2007 Employee of Werner Sobek AG
2003 – 2007 Staff member at the Center for Regenerative Biology and Regenerative Medicine ZRM, Tübingen (DE)
2003 Research assistant at the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (ILEK), University of Stuttgart (DE)
2001 – 2002 Master of Architecture in Architectural Design an der UCL London (GB)
1996 – 2001 Studied Architecture at the University of Applied Science, Munich (DE)
1975 Born in Leonberg (DE)