all lectures listed for you


Here you will find a list of lectures from our circle of colleagues.

10.06.2025 Angelika Schmid Stuttgart’s New Main Station 126. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Angewandte Optik, Universität Stuttgart
07.05.2025 Bernd Köhler Liveable Construction: UMAR Nest Empa Dübendorf Drei Länder, eine Mission: Zukunft Holzbau, Friedrichshafen
29./30.04.2025 Roland Bechmann Building Sustainably for Future Generations – What Contribution can Wood Make? Sächsischer Holzbautag (SHBT), Messe Dresden
25.03.2025 Roland Bechmann

Thivya Athmanathan

Lukas Reininger

Design in Timber Construction and Timber Hybrid Construction


Holzbau Akademie (online)
20./21.03.2025 Roland Bechmann

Stefanie Weidner

Lucio Blandini

Angelika Schmid





Stuttgart 21 – An Approach for Tomorrow’s Construction

Deutscher Bautechnik-Tag 2025,
19.03.2025 Werner Sobek Paradigm Shift in Climate Policy for the Building Sector Impuls25 (online)
11.-13.03.2025 Stefanie Weidner Planning and Building in the Age of Climate Change BetonTage, Ulm
10.03.2025 Werner Sobek The Building of Tomorrow is not a Construction Problem Fachkonferenz: Wohnen, Bauen und Landesentwicklung – Quo vadis Baden-Württemberg, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart
05./06.03.2025 Stefanie Weidner

Viviana Locorotondo

Daniel Torakai

  Construction Summit, Hamburg
05.03.2025 Andreas Jäger-Cañás FE Applications in Practice – Selected Examples WFT-Event (online)
20.02.2025 Lucio Blandini   Fassade 25 Motorik, Sensorik und Aktorik: Die dynamische Fassade, TH Augsburg
01.02.2025 Stefanie Weidner Architektur(w)ende?
Symposium zur Bauwende, Innsbruck (A)
27.01.2025 Stefanie Weidner Building with Zero Emissions: What does this Mean for Our Workflows? Klimaneutral massiv bauen, Haus der Architekten, Stuttgart
13.-17.01.2025 Roland Bechmann


Lucio Blandini

Stefanie Weidner

Max Mannschreck

Materials of the Future: Sustainability and Innovation in the Construction Industry



Resource- and Energy-Efficient with Circular Timber Modules for an Entire Residential Neighbourhood

Bau 2025, München
10.12.2024 Bernd Köhler

Timo Schmidt

The Nest – Showcase Project for Circular Construction in Dübendorf Zirkulär planen – so funktioniert’s!, HKW Augsburg
04.12.2024 Stefanie Weidner Sustainable Building: Does It Always Have to be Complicated? Architect@Work, Frankfurt
28.11.2024 Max Dölling Limit States – Value Foundation for an Engineering Culture in Transition 6. Symposium Ingenieurbaukunst, Berlin
27.11.2024 Dominga Garufi

Lucio Blandini


On the Road Towards a Sustainable Building Sector: The Importance of Digital Tools and Methods

BIM World, München
27.11.2024 Stefanie Weidner   Forum Bau, Essen
21.11.2024 Lucio Blandini Building with Concrete: Lightweight and Sustainable 11. Betonfachtagung Hannover
20.11.2024 Bernd Köhler   Fachtagung Vordenken für (Ost)tirol, Sillian (A)
20.11.2024 Lara Katscher How Can and Do We Want to Build and Live in the Future? Klima- und Energiekongress, Duesseldorf
20.11.2024 Angelika Schmid S21: The Shell Roof Tragwerksplanertag der Ingenieurkammer Ba-Wü, Stuttgart
19.11.2024 Andreas Malcher Replacement of the Schönfließer Bridge Symposium “Neu bauen oder erhalten? Berlin und seine Brücken”, Berlin
05.11.2024 Werner Sobek Building in a New World ÖIAV Business Lounge, Wien (A)
04./05.11.2024 Daniel Torakai High Rise Constructions – What`s Beyond Green Construction, Frankfurt am Main
08.11.2024 Lucio Blandini GCD Symposium, TU Vienna (A)
29.10.2024 Roland Bechmann Kissing Concrete Gold Awake – the Supporting Structure as the Key to Reducing Mmissions CTBUH Germany, Drees&Sommer Cologne
17.10.2024 Stefanie Weidner Liveable, Modern and Sustainable Achitecture Roma Architekturtag, Burgau
19.09.2024 Dominga Garufi   BIM World Copenhagen, (DNK)
12.09.2024 Freymann, Konrad

Milton Mendez

The New Bridge “Lahnsteg Nauheim”, Wetzlar: Slender, Elegant, Parametrically Designed / White City Pedestrian Bridge – Structural Design of the Cable-Stayed Future Landmark 11th International Symposium on Steel Bridges 2024, Prague (CZE)
11./12.09.2024 Benjamin Beer   2nd Global Glass Show, Dubai (VAE)
04./05.09.2024 Stefanie Weidner Plenary Session Climate Neutrality by 2045: North German Strategies – Schleswig Holstein & Hamburg Conbau Nord, Neumuenster
23.07.2024 Roland Bechmann Tackling a Double Challenge – How to Build More while Using Less
Green.Building.Solutions Summer University 2024, Wien (A)
19.07.2024 Dominik Nimführ Gallery Talk
Building culture summer trip, Raumgalerie Stuttgart
18./19.06.2024 Dominik Nimführ Over Floating Belts to the Trains – the Distribution Walkways in Stuttgart’s New Main Railway Station
2. Fachkongress Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau, TAE Esslingen
13.06.2024 João Mata Bauen für die Zukunft 2. Get Together des Fachforums Nachhaltigkeit in der HTG, Hamburg
11.06.2024 Frederik Waimer Digitalisation: The Basis for a Sustainable Turnaround in Construction MuM Vision 2024,  AHA Aarau (CH)
10.06.2024 Benjamin Beer Advanced Facade and Glass Engineering for High-Rise Building in the Middle East Climate – Sustainable and Human Centric Design
Smart Skyscraper Summit KSA 2024, Riyad (SA)
30.05.2024 Bernd Köhler Light, Reflection, Translucency from Solar to Recycled Elemente, Berlin
28.05.2024 Werner Sobek Screening World Premiere of the Documentary Film “Beyond Eternity – Architecture Facing the Impermanence”

Klima Biennale Wien (A)

14.-16.05.2024 Robert Bode Montblanc Haus: Filigree Concrete Art in the Facade

Betontage, Ulm

02.05.2024 Lucio Blandini The Structures of the Future: Lightweight, Adaptive, Recyclable

28. Brandenburgischer Bauingenieurtag BBIT 2024, Cottbus

23./24.04.2024 Benjamin Beer Advanced Facade and Glass Engineering for the Middle East Climate – Sustainabile and Human Centric Design

Zak World of Facades, Dubai (VAE)

17./18.04.2024 Lucio Blandini The Future of Sustainable Construction: Lightweight, Adaptive, Dircular

Glas Kongress, Luebeck

09.04.2024 Nefeli Mavroeidi Building Physics, Sustainability and Green Tech

VfA Hessen, online

04.04.2024 Lucio Blandini The use of the adaptive glass facade at D1244 and current projects

TU Dresden

25.03.2024 Lukas Reininger Key Solutions Towards Environmental Sustainability – Forest Biomass, Biodiversity & Degradation

ELO/FFI Conference, Brussels

20.03.2024 Werner Sobek Building for the Future – Building in the Age of Climate Change

Klimagerechter Bauen, Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, Munich

14.03.2024 Werner Sobek Climate-Friendly and Sustainable Construction

Kieler Perspektiven

13.03.2024 Werner Sobek Current topics and ongoing projects

20. IGE-Seminar, Hochschule Luzern (CH)

11.03.2014 Roland Bechmann Structures for the Future
Fashion Technology School of Art and Design, Beijing (online)
29.02.-01.03.2024 Thomas Eschbacher City of the Future – The Future of the City and the Impact on Construction and Facades European Facade Summit, Vienna (A)
22.02.2024 Andreas Stephani Facade Planning in a Changing Climate: What makes Building Envelopes Climate-Resilient? Weltleitmesse R+T, Stuttgart
22.02.2024 Lucio Blandini SFB 1244: The World’s First Adaptive High-Rise Building Forum Bausanierung
30.01.2024 Angelika Schmid The New Stuttgart Central Station – Uncharted Territory in Planning and Realization Reihe “Tragwerke – Entwurf, Modellierung und Konstruktion”, Universität Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen
06.12.2023 Daniel Torakai   Architect@Work, Düsseldorf
29.11.2023 Lucio Blandini What Can Lightweight Construction Mean Today? Ingenieurbaukunst – Design for Construction, Munich
28.11.2023 Werner Sobek Responsible Building for the Future AG Stadtleben, Hannover
24.11.2023 Werner Sobek From Construction to Conversion West.WU, Vienna (A)
23.11.2023 Roland Bechmann ESG Concerns Everyone – This is How We Use Sustainability as an Innovation Turbo! Family BIZZ, Stuttgart
23./24.11.2023 Werner Sobek Changing the Construction Industry Together Heinze Klimafestival für die Bauwende, Berlin
21.11.2023 Bernd Köhler Resource-Minimized Construction Watz, Wiesbaden
17.11.2023 Frank Heinlein   Faktor Wohnen, Greifswald
16.11.2023 Thomas Winterstetter   Zak World of Facades, Frankfurt
15.11.2023 Stefanie Weidner

Enrica Oliva

Adaptive Facades at D1244 Arch 6300 (online)
09.11.2023 Stefanie Weidner How We should Live and Build in the Future Bündnis für Wohnen Brandenburg
07.-09.11.2023 Stefanie Weidner Residential Construction in Transition Online
02.11.2023 João Mata The Future of Building InnovationsForum Nord, Hamburg
02.11.2023 Carmen Herrmann Planning and Practical Implementation of Building Greening Using the Example of the Calwer Passage Stuttgart Vertical greening – well done!, Bonn
25.10.2023 Frank Heinlein   Architecture and media: Podcasts – Architecture to listen to, Duesseldorf
20.10.2023 Werner Sobek   6. Aschersleber Architekturtag
23./24.10.2023 Thomas Eschbacher Serial Production / Sustainability / Innovation 7. Österreichische Fachkonferenz Modulbau, Vienna (A)
10.10.2023 Dominga Garufi Little BIM – Implementing BIM Processes – Challenges and Pre-planning for a Successful Project Building Smart: Women in BIM, htf Stuttgart
06.10.2023 Lucio Blandini Keynote on the Groundbreaking Research and Projects at ILEK Bundesingenieurkammer-Versammlung, Stuttgart
02.10.2023 Benjamin Beer Human Centric Design – Facade & Glass Engineering and Research To Enhance Human Wellbeing  ZAK Jeddah, (SAU)
29.09.2023 Werner Sobek Transformation – Strengthening Spaces Berlin Congress Center
25.09.2023 Daniel Torakai Sustainability and High-Rise Construction – What’s Beyond? Peikko Akademie, Frankfurt a.M.
21.09.2023 Stefanie Weidner

Roland Bechmann

  Baubranchen Dialog, Meerbusch
19.09.2023 Lara Katscher How We Can and Want to Build and Live in the Future – Sustainability in the Building Industry Labor Impuls Forum 2023, Mainz
14.09.2023 Daniel Torakai Lightweight Construction, Lightweight Building and/or Simple Construction Architect@Work, Hamburg
14.09.2023 Max Mannschreck The Plus-Energy Quarter Made of Wooden Modules in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. Sustainable Serial Housing Construction in a New Dimension Modulbaukongress, Architektenkammer Stuttgart
11./12.09.2023 Frederic Waimer What does Sustainable Urban Development Mean in Concrete Terms and what Opportunities does It Create? imh Konferenz Nachhaltigkeit im Wohnbau, Vienna (A)
05.09.2023 Stefanie Weidner Sustainability as a Big Picture for Necessary Transformation Processes Workshoptag “Nachhaltig Bauen” der Bauindustrie NRW, Duesseldorf
21.07.2023 Moritz Brombacher Building in the Anthropocene KAEPSELE gesucht, Filderhalle Leinfelden-Echterdingen
20.07.2023 Roland Bechmann, Stefanie Weidner Energy Efficiency – Taking into Consideration the Whole Life-Cycle
18.07.2023 Claudia Lüling Emissions, Circular Justice & Microclimate Tag der Nachhaltigkeit, Hochschule Landshut
18.07.2023 Claudia Lüling Emissions, Circular Justice & Microclimate Tag der Nachhaltigkeit, Hochschule Landshut
29.06.2023 Roland Bechmann The Influence of Technology, Sustainability and Economics on Creating Healthy Cities and Buildings On Health, UNStudio Event, Frankfurt am Main
28.06.2023 Stefanie Weidner Sustainable Building 25. Anniversary of Architektur Centrum Hamburg
27.06.2023 Roland Bechmann The key role of construction in climate protection BIM Cluster BW-Tag, Haus der Architekt:innen Stuttgart
22./23.06.2023 Stefanie Weidner

Roland Bechmann

Closing the Circle: Technological and Material Innovation for the Built Environment CTBUH Europe Conference, Frankfurt
22.06.2023 Lucio Blandini Lightweight and Resource-Saving Construction with Concrete Betontage, Congress Centrum Ulm
15.06.2023 Emma Kanz

Daniel Torakai 

Modularity and Recyclability in High-Rise Construction Green Construction Excellence Forum, Frankfurt
09.06.2023 Werner Sobek Building in the Future Festkolloquium zur Verabschiedung von Josef Hegger, Super C Aachen
06.06.2023 Stefanie Weidner

Meet like-minded professionals from Germany, The Netherlands and Denmark

Building Green, Hamburg
25./26.05.2023 Frederic Waimer Building Real Estate on the Test Bench Real Estate Circle, Stegersbach (A)
25.05.2023 Werner Sobek

Farewell Lecture

University of Stuttgart
24./25.05.2023 Thomas Winterstetter The Role of the Construction Industry in the Impact of Sustainability

Building Summit, Barcelona (ES)

23./24.05.2023 Lara Katscher

Max Mannschreck

The P18 Urban Quarter – Serial Residential Construction in a New Dimension Modulbau 2023, Dortmund
17.05.2023 Max Mannschreck The P18 Urban Quarter Modularer Wohnungsbau für kommunale Wohnungsbaugesellschaften (online)
16.05.2023 Stefanie Weidner Statement 17: natura mensura est Ingenieurwerkstatt 2023, Carmen Wuerth Forum, Künzelsau
11./12.05.2023 Frederic Waimer Architectural Concepts with Individuality and High Quality of Stay Vitra Discover Day, Vienna (A)
03./04.05.2023 Roland Bechmann Making High RIses Comparable to Low Rise Density in Terms of Emissions (in engl. Sprache) High-Rises and Vertical Construction Summit, Lindner Hotel & Residence Main Plaza, Frankfurt
03.05.2023 Lavinia Ruf Architectural Concepts with Individuality and High Quality of Stay Vitra Discover Day, St. Gallen (CH)
27.04.2023 Stefanie Weidner Future Circular and Regional Holzbausymposium, Stadthalle Saarburg
25.04.2023 Werner Sobek

The Boundary Conditions of the Future

45. Salon of Architecture Competition, Belgrad (RS)
17.04.2023 Benjamin Beer

Glass Architecture – Latest Developments in Façade Engineering and Human Centric Design

45. Salon of Architecture Competition, Belgrad (RS)
11.04.2023 Lara Katscher

The Green City of the Future

45. Salon of Architecture Competition, Belgrad (RS)
30.03.2023 Bernd Köhler

The Recyclable Apartment – The Urban Mining & Recycling Unit NEST in Dübendorf/Switzerland 

Urban Mining, digital talk
29.03.2023 Roland Bechmann

Future-Oriented. Recyclable. Emission-free

eltefa 2023, Messe Stuttgart
28.03.2023 Lucio Blandini

From the Neckar to the Nile: Stuttgart Design for the Pharaoh

Atelier Brückner, Stuttgart
16.03.2023 Frederic Waimer

Designing Real Estate Sustainably


Mind:shift, ÖAMTC Zentrale Vienna (A)
16.03.2023 Roland Bechmann, Bernd Glückert Grey Emissions in the Building Sector – Stocktaking and Optimisation Strategies, Not Building Less, but Building with Less Deutscher Bautechnik-Tag 2023 (online)
13.03.2023 Roland Bechmann Resource-Efficient Building: How will We Build with Renewable Raw Materials in the Future? Symposium Bauen mit dem Wald, Quartier Zukunft Berlin
08.03.2023 Stefanie Weidner How Buildings Become Adaptable and Make Construction Fit for the Future Heilbronner Architekturgespräche 2023, Heilbronn
01./02.03.2023 Daniel Torakai Digitalisation in Construction Planning Construction Summit, Hamburg
14.02.2023 Claudia Lüling Social Relevance and Sustainable Architecture KoBi 01-2023 (online)
14.02.2023 Stefanie Weidner Challenging LCA: the Pros and Cons of LCA CTBUH EU, Venice (IT)
09.02.2023 Werner Sobek What does it Mean to Build Heimat for Everyone? Academy for Architectural Culture, Hamburg
13.12.2022 Bernd Köhler We Need to Talk – Discussion Round on Building Culture  FH Erfurt
25.01.2023 Frederic Waimer Climate-Friendly Solutions in School Construction Konferenz Nachhaltigkeit im Bildungsbau, Radisson Blue Hotel, Vienna (A)
18.01.2023 Lucio Blandini Lightweight Construction: Where is the Journey Heading? Raumprobe, Stuttgart
17.01.2023 Lukas Gehring

Emma Kanz

From the Lecture Hall Steeply Upwards – from Skyscrapers and Ferris Wheels. The Career Start Future Engineering Talks, TU Darmstadt
13.01.2023 Hans-Georg Reinke Structural Design of New High-Rise Buildings Baupraxisvortragsreihe, FH Kaernten, (A)
13.12.2022 Carmen Herrman Simply Green – Greening the City AIT-ArchitekturSalon Hamburg
13.12.2022 (postponed to 31.01.2023) Bernd Köhler We need to talk – discussion round on building culture  FH Erfurt 
12.12.2022 Benjamin Beer WS Facades ZAK World of Facades,
30.11.2022 Werner Sobek Boundary conditions of future building Architekturpreis Berlin e.V., Kutscherhaus
29.11.2022 Moritz Brombacher (Un)heard important – Honest sustainability in construction Rockfon series “Innovation Acoustics”
29.11.2022 Alexandra Mrzigod Planning Anew with the Old 4th Annual Symposium
Ingenieurbaukunst – Design for Construction,Wallraf-Richartz-Museum Cologne
23./24.11.2022 Lara Katscher

Max Mannschreck

The P18 urban quarter – serial residential construction in a new dimension Konferenz Modularer Wohnbau 2022 in Munich
22./23.11.2022 Alexandra Mrzigod The key to sustainability: zero emissions and zero waste (the example of NEST). Build & Connect Strasburg
23.11.2022 Stefanie Weidner Civil and Architectural Engineering SDU, University of Southern Denmark
17.-19.11.2022 Stefanie Weidner Sustainability and materiality –
how can we live and build in the future?
International ArchitectureForum, Messe Hamburg
16.11.2022 Claudia Lüling Future-oriented. Recyclable. Emission-free. Schweizer Bauforum, Hochschule Luzern
16.11.2022 Stefanie Weidner Adaptive structures and facades in the context of high-rises (digital)


15.11.2022 Benjamin Beer WS Facades NEXT International Facade Summit Frankfurt am Main
10.11.2022 Lucio Blandini More sustainability for planning, building and operating – the opportunity through digitalisation Building Smart Forum, Berlin
9.-12.11.2022 Roland Bechmann

Stefanie Weidner

Twisting Elevator Research Tower: Aufzugstestturm, Rottweil CTBUH Chicago “Tall Excellence”
27.06.2023 Roland Bechmann The key role of construction in climate protection BIM Cluster BW-Tag, Haus der Architekt:innen Stuttgart
3.11.2022 Alexandra Mrzigod From grey to green: climate-friendly building, future construction methods
already implement today

Vitra Discover Day, Zurich

2.-4.11.2022 Roland Bechmann

Stefanie Weidner

Laura Terzenbach

Speakers Klimafestival für die Bauwende der Heinze GmbH, Alte Schmiedehallen Düsseldorf
26.10.2022 Alexandra Mrzigod Speaker

Investors’ Day – Nachhaltiges Bauen, Ulm

25.10.2022 Benjamin Beer Keynote Speaker at Seminar on Sustainability & Building Envelopes WOT World Of Technal Riyadh
24.10.2022 Stefanie Weidner Challenging LCA Institute for Architecture and Technology, Royal Danish AcademyArchitecture, Design, Conservation
20.10.2022 Thomas Winterstetter The Future of Facades – Strong, Digital, Green ZAK World of Facades, Titanic Chaussee, Berlin
18.10.2022 Lucio Blandini Press Conference Hessischer Architektentag 2022, Hugenottenhalle Neu-Isenburg
14.-15.10.2022 Werner Sobek Award International Research and Design Forum of the SOM Foundation, Stuttgart
13.10.2022 Stefanie Weidner Speaker 6. KUPIL Architektentag, Kressbronn
13.10.2022 Roland Bechmann Climate-neutral and cycle-friendly –
this is how we must build now
Klimakonferenz Nachhaltig Bauen, Berlin
11.10.2022 Lucio Blandini Adaptivity CRC 1244 Conference on Adaptivity, Stuttgart
11.10.2022 Roland Bechmann How sustainable are high-rise buildings?

Panel discussion of the CTBUH Germany, Oskar von Miller Forum München

29.9.2022 Werner Sobek Expert Talk / Panel Discussion Climate and resources – on building for the future – aed e.V. Stuttgart
27.09.2022 Roland Bechmann Is industrial timber construction sustainable? Part 3 – Reuse instead of thermal recycling Builtworld Leading Innovation


23.08.2022 Stefanie Weidner Keeping a Firm Eye on the Positive Climate Balance in Construction Immobilien-Dialog Hamburg
06.07.2022 Prof. Werner Sobek

Roland Bechmann

Stefanie Weidner

Why Urban Mining is Inevitable:
Analyzing the Resource
Consumption of Urban
ICSA 2022
5th International Conference on Structures and Architecture, Aalborg, Denmark
29.06.2022 Werner Sobek Residential constructing in times of climate change
Conference FrankfurtRheinMain baut!, IHK Frankfurt am Main
29.06.2022 Stefanie Weidner Ways out of the Labyrinth: How Does Sustainable Building Begin? Architekturgalerie Munich
27.-29.06.2022 Benjamin Beer Advanced Systemised Facade Innovations for Complex Geometry
Buildings and Sustainable Supertall Towers
Vertical Cities Singapore
22.06.2022 Bernd Köhler Werner Sobek Work Lecture Department of Building and Design Livestsream
Meeting-ID: 993 4687 6378
22.06.2022 Daniel Torakai Insights into the Planning of Major Projects Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main
02.06.2022 Stefanie Weidner How can and do we want to live and build in the future SenerTec Energy Day, Gaszählerwerkstatt, Munich
01.06.2022 Lucio Blandini Artificial Intelligence (AI) + Production digitalBAU 2022, Cologne Trade Fair
12.05.2022 Stefanie Weidner Building and the future anthropozän, Museum am Löwentor, Stuttgart
31.04.2022 Eric Wolgast Introducing BIM
Smart Energy 4.4., BIM Training Courses (online)
11.05.2022 + 12.05.2022 Roland Bechmann Cycle-friendly and climate-neutral – this is how we have to build now Future Real Estate, Cradle to Cradle, Hamburg (online)
11.05.2022 Frederic Waimer Focus on climate: opportunities for resource-friendly and emission-reduced construction Schulbau Salon 2022, Vienna
10.05.2022 + 11.05.2022 Matteo Brunetti, Steffen Feirabend, Holger Hinz, Angelika Schmid, Florian Starz, Lucio Blandini Various lectures – see programme Construction Engineering Congress, Esslingen Technical Academy, Ostfildern
07.04.2022 Nefeli Mavroeidi + Andreas Scharfe Sustainable school construction – 3 practical examples Schulbau Salon 2022, Frankfurt am Main
27.04.2022 Prof. Werner Sobek Future and responsibility: PROF. WERNER SOBEK x CONCULAR Zumtobel, Lichtzentrum, Berlin
15.03.2022 Prof. Lucio Blandini Building is innovative! 3. Symposium Building the Future (online)
03.02.2022 Roland Bechmann Where will the climate issue be decided, in new buildings or in existing buildings? Heuer Dialog, digital talk.QUO VADIS powered by Aurelis (online)


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