Press Releases
Here you will find a sample of recent press releases. If you are interested in receiving regular updates, please let us know by writing to socialmedia@wernersobek.com.

Gold for Tireless Pioneer in the Field of Future-Orientated Construction
Professor Werner Sobek is honoured with the IStructE Gold Medal 2024…read more

Female Reinforcement for Werner Sobek
Dr Stefanie Weidner has joined the Executive Board from 01.08.2024…read more

A Must-Read – Not Only for Architects
With volume 2 of the trilogy, Werner Sobek continues his comprehensive analysis of the interrelationships between building and the environment…read more

Standing Ovation for Werner Sobek
“We must build for more people with love and dedication using less material.’” With these words, Werner Sobek concluded his farewell lecture on 25 May 2023 in front of an enthusiastic audience of more than 900 at the University of Stuttgart…read more

Climate-Resilient Urban Development – Expert Discussion ‘Innovative and Sustainable Building Materials’
Werner Sobek spoke on 21 October 2022 at the House of Representatives in Baden-Württemberg at an event organised by the Green Party in the state parliament…read more

Nominations for the International Highrise Award 2022
In addition to the T-Rex hybrid high-rise (Senckenberg-Quartier) in Frankfurt/Main, the Shanghai Financial Exchange Plaza also convinced the jury…read more

In an interview with the Stuttgarter Zeitung, Werner Sobek talks about his commitment to emission-free building and his latest work, the first volume of his trilogy “non nobis“. What responsibility does the building industry have for climate change – and what can or must change so that we can still meet the 1.5-degree target? Read more here.

Dreaming of Utopias – and Acting!
Prof. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. Werner Sobek is regarded worldwide as a pioneer of the built environment of tomorrow. For his decades of dedication in the field of research and development, he has now been honoured with the Federal Cross of Merit on 17 May 2022. The award was presented by Minister Theresia Bauer at a ceremony at the University of Stuttgart …read more

Alarming World Report on Construction
The new book “non nobis” by Werner Sobek is an alarming analysis and stocktaking of the climate-damaging role of the building industry worldwide …read more

Shade for the Desert
The EXPO 2020 world exhibition opened its doors. We are proud that we were able to make a significant contribution to the design of the EXPO site with our filigree shading systems … read more

Dressed in black – Relaunch of Our Website
Werner Sobek has undertaken a comprehensive relaunch to radically transform its online presence. … read more

Management Changeover at ILEK
Werner Sobek has left his desk well organized – Prof. Dr. Lucio Blandini is the new Director of the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design. After more than 25 years of building up the Institute, Sobek will still be continuing his research and academic teaching roles at … read more.
World’s First Active House in Stuttgart
Official opening of B10 on 8 July 2014… read more
Global Award for Sustainable Architecture for Werner Sobek
Werner Sobek receives the prize for “pioneering research” at the Institute for Lightweight Structures Development and Design (ILEK)… read more
The Mastermind
Werner Sobek turns 65, but is far from thinking about retirement… read more
A Masterpiece of Sustainable Construction
Golden top – the Futurium in Berlin achieves the highest score ever awarded in the BNB sustainability certification… read more
Werner Sobek Calls for the Completely Emission-Free “Electric City”
This is technically feasible without any problems… read more
The Truth “Behind the Form” (Biennale Architettura 2016)
Werner Sobek addresses pressing ecological issues with a production at the Biennale Architettura 2016… read more
“Creating Something Unique in the World” (25 years of Werner Sobek)
Werner Sobek is an international group of companies with locations worldwide. For the 25th anniversary… read more
Top Achievements by German Civil Engineers – Werner Sobek in the Ingenieurbaukunst Yearbook
Building for more people with less material – this claim by Werner Sobek can also be found in several articles in the new Jahrbuch der Ingenieurbaukunst 2020… read more
CTBUH Germany – New Platform for Debates in Urban Development
Founding event of CTBUH Germany – Roland Bechmann, CEO of Werner Sobek AG, was elected as
chairman… read more
From Module to Plus Energy Neighbourhood: Sustainable Building on a Larger Scale
A sustainable urban neighbourhood is being built in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt based on the active house modules developed and designed by Werner Sobek… read more
A House on the Road (B10)
From Stuttgart to the Alb. The B10 active house designed by Werner Sobek has moved… read more
“Always in Search of Limits” (Honorary Doctorate from TU Graz for Werner Sobek)
Werner Sobek receives an honorary doctorate from TU Graz on 8 November 2013… read more
“You Plant an Olive Tree for Your Grandchildren!” (Werner Sobek on His 60th Birthday)
Werner Sobek celebrates his 60th birthday on 16 May 2013… read more
Werner Sobek: “A Rethink in the Construction Industry is Urgently Needed!” (UMAR)
The newly opened UMAR experimental unit demonstrates that consistently resource-efficient construction is possible… read more
Tower of Superlatives (TK Test Tower)
Werner Sobek, who designed the ThyssenKrupp test tower together with Helmut Jahn, draws an impressive balance after one year of operation… read more
Uncharted Territory (Special Research Centre at ILEK)
Interactive spaces and adaptable shells – new collaborative research centre dedicated to the resource-efficient building of tomorrow… read more
Football World Cup 2014: Swabian Expertise in Stadium Construction
Werner Sobek designed the elegant roof structure of the Arena de São Paulo… read more
The Sand Rose of Qatar (National Museum)
A visionary design was realised magnificently in the construction of the New National Museum of Qatar – thanks to German engineering from Stuttgart… read more
Top Achievements of German Civil Engineers (Jahrbuch der Ingenieurbaukunst 2018)
Werner Sobek is represented with three articles in the recently published Jahrbuch der Ingenieurbaukunst 2018… read more
Stuttgart – 100 Years of Building with Concrete
Invitation to the symposium “100 years of reinforced concrete” at the Stuttgart ILEK on 27 October 2016 at 18:00… read more
“Best of Best” for Experimental House (B10) (Iconic Awards 2016)
Active House B10 by Werner Sobek wins the ICONIC AWARDS 2016 “best of best” award in the architecture category… read more
Werner Sobek Takes Over Engineering Firm htp
The Werner Sobek Group has taken over the Weinheim-based engineering office htp, thereby strengthening its expertise in the field of technical building equipment… read more
German Timber Construction Award for Active House (2017)
Sustainable building with wood – the concept of a modular active house developed by architect and engineer Werner Sobek receives the German Timber Construction Award 2017… read more
Regenerative Construction – the Next Step towards Greater Sustainability
A new podcast by Werner Sobek explains the importance of regenerative building and shows the way forward in construction practice… read more