Dancing Dragons

The high-rise ensemble in the new Yongsan International Business District in Seoul, South Korea, was designed by the architects Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill. Werner Sobek was responsible for the structural engineering of this project. Because of the scaled facade and their geometry, the two buildings are also known as “dancing dragons“.

American Architecture Award 2013

The two mixed-use high-rises are approx. 450 m and 390 m high respectively. They share the same architectural design language, but are by no means identical. Both buildings feature fully glazed areas at the top and bottom, providing impressive views and a unique spatial effect.

The project was awarded the American Architecture Award 2013.

AS+GG Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill, Chicago/USA

Planning time
2012 − 2014

Construction time
2012 − 2018

Services by Werner Sobek
Structural engineering

AS+GG Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill, Chicago/USA

American Architecture Award 2013

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