Together with renowned project partners from industry and research, Werner Sobek continued to develop digital tools and techniques until 2021 in order to network and automate services, processes and workflows along the construction value chain. In the DigitalTWIN research project – Digital Tools and Workflow Integration for Building Lifecycles – the focus was on understanding systemic dependencies and interactions, which is why the research partners came from very different industries and fields of activity. Furthermore, the transfer of solutions, which is usually critical in the construction industry, was to be accelerated and made safer and easier to apply along the entire value chain.
Understanding Systemic Dependencies and Interactions
DigitalTWIN is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) as part of the Smart Service World II funding programme. Securing Germany as an efficient production and innovation location as well as the expansion of digital services in small and medium-sized enterprises are central funding goals of the federal government.

Funded by Smart Service World II
The challenge of the construction application market is changing responsibilities and accountabilities over the building lifecycle, internationally varying standards and regulations, and constantly changing partners in planning, manufacturing and operations. With DigitalTWIN, an open platform architecture, further developed broadband communication technology and computer vision technologies are intended to simplify planning, production and coordination with the construction site and provide the user with a trustworthy and flexibly expandable communication and administration infrastructure.
Development of a Flexible, Digital and Open Platform
Planners, manufacturing companies and service providers in the construction industry, as well as communication and IT companies, will benefit from the research project. In addition to Werner Sobek, the research partners are se commerce GmbH (a company of the seele group of companies), the Heinrich Hertz Institute of the Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research e.V., Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH, Carl Zeiss 3D Automation GmbH and planen-bauen 4.0. The development of a flexibly applicable, digital platform focuses on the automated, networked linking of processes and the use of future-oriented technologies such as VR/AR technology, smart data services, BIM services and machine learning.
Project start
Project completion
Project partner
Carl Zeiss 3D Automation GmbH, Aalen/Germany
Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Berlin/Germany
planen-bauen 4.0 Gesellschaft zur Digitalisierung
des Planens, Bauens und Betreibens mbH, Berlin/Germany
se commerce GmbH, Gersthofen/Germany
Telegärtner Karl Gärtner GmbH, Steinenbronn/Germany
Werner Sobek AG, Stuttgart/Germany