Fellbach Station

On behalf of the city of Fellbach, the Berlin architectural firm Barkow Leibinger, together with Werner Sobek, designed a spatial framework overgrown with plants as the “Fellbach Station”. It stands at the triangle of paths north of the Wiflinger estate on the eastern Kappelberg. The white structure measures approx. 10 × 10 m in plan and rises approx. 5 m in height.

White Space Frame on Kappelberg

The Fellbach station consists of spatial control elements that are connected to each other by invisible pin connections. These elements in turn consist of round tubes and are bent into loops at their corners. This gives the impression that the “framework” was made of one continuous tube.

Within the framework of the Intercommunal Regional Garden Show 2019 in the Rems Valley, 16 cities participated in the joint project “White Stations”.

Barkow Leibinger, Berlin/Germany

Planning time
2017 − 2018

Construction time
2018 − 2019

Services by Werner Sobek

  • Structural engineering (draft planning, approval planning)
  • Provision of a bill of quantities
  • Site/workshop supervision

Fellbach Town Council, Fellbach/Germany

Florian Kauffeld, Stuttgart/Germany

German Steel Construction Award – Award 2020

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