High-rise buildings Laim

A new city quarter is currently being built on the site of the former bus and tram depot by the Westendstraße and Zschokkestraße thoroughfares in the Munich district of Laim.

Werner Sobek is involved in planning both of the development’s two high-rise buildings following a successful design competition and public contract awards procedure (VgV) with the Riehle + Assoziierte architectural firm. Upon completion, the duo of hybrid-timber structures with external maintenance walkways on the facades will stand at 40 m and 58.50 m in height and be joined together by a glazed skybridge. Some sections of the facades will also be planted with greenery. Werner Sobek is responsible for the structural engineering and the facade engineering of the project.

Smart Use of Sustainability

According to Dr Bernhard Boeck, the Director of Real Estate at Munich’s municipal utilities company (SWM), the entire planning process for the structures has been an excellent achievement: “The plans for the buildings demonstrate an ingenious approach to sustainability throughout. The combination of recycled concrete lower levels and hybrid-timber upper storeys with facades made using recycled aluminium cladding is a great concept. An equally successful decision is the way the mobility station has been integrated into the design. The bike ramp down to the basement is a special feature that will encourage people to switch to cycling. From an ecological, economic and socio-cultural point of view, this design’s overall contribution to sustainability is exceptionally good.”

Werner Sobek is responsible for the project’s structural and facade enginnering.

Riehle + Assoziierte, Stuttgart/Germany

Planning time
2022 –2024

Construction time
2024 –2027

Services by Werner Sobek

  • Structural engineering (Competition)
  • Facade engineering (WP 1.1 – 2.4 acc. to AHO 28)

26,100 m² (above ground)

SWM Stadtwerke München/Germany

Riehle + Assoziierte, Stuttgart/Germany

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