Karlsdorf’s New Fire Station

A new fire station was built in Karlsdorf-Neuthard, with Werner Sobek was responsible for the structural engineering.

The building has a trapezoidal footprint with a width of 29 m and a length of 59 and 77 m, respectively, and consists of two different building volumes – a low-heated vehicle hall and the operational rooms.

High Earthquake Resistance

A special feature of the project is that the shear forces due to earthquakes are transmitted to the reinforced concrete cores through a cross-laminated timber slab that is only 6 cm thick. In addition, high ceiling loads are safely transferred via a wall-like beam made of cross laminated timber.

Deubzer König + Rimmel Architekten GmbH, Munich/Germany

Planning time
2019 – 2021

Construction time
2022 – 2023

Services by Werner Sobek
Structural engineering (WP 1 – 6)

3,355 m² with ancillary building

Gemeinde Karlsdorf-Neuthard/Germany

Laura Egger, Zurich, Switzerland
Werner Sobek AG, Stuttgart/Germany


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