Madla Revheim Masterplan
The population of the Stavanger region in Norway is continuously growing strongly. Therefore, new housing needs to be created for new residents and those already living in Stavanger. The Madla Revheim area, an area of 780,000 km², plays an important role in this. Here, 4,000 housing units are to be created.
High-Quality Neighbourhood for Growing Population
The specially developed master plan envisaged a neighbourhood of short distances, in which the residents would find everything they need on site. The new quarter ensures the highest level of living comfort for its residents because the planning took into account mobility and energy in addition to urban planning aspects.
Werner Sobek was responsible for optimising the microclimate at Madla Revheim, among other things.
TUPELO arkitektur AS, Oslo/Norway
Planning phase
Construction time
2014 (municipality to draw up master plan)
Services by Werner Sobek
Energy concept
Mobility concept
Optimize microclimate
Stavanger Municipality Culture Urban Development
Werner Sobek, Stuttgart/Germany