VDI Brochure on Building Information Modelling
“Taking a sparing approach to our planet’s resources is a key prerequisite for securing the future viability of any built environment. Manufacturing and transporting construction materials and operating buildings once they are completed all use valuable resources and emit very large quantities of gases that are harmful for the climate. As a result, the construction industry isone of the main drivers of both man-made climate change and the consumption of our limited natural resources.” (Quotation from the brochure)
Methods for Sustainability throughout a Building’s Life Cycle
This brochure clearly explains how the method of Building Information Modelling (BIM) can furnish us with new possibilities and opportunities when it comes to sustainability. It describes how early-stage, model-based collaboration allows us to use data collection, documentation and optimisation techniques to conserve resources across the entire life cycle of a building. As well as discussing various methods, requirements and potential applications, it also gives examples of how this approach has been successfully implemented to date.
Planning time
Juli 2022 – December 2022
March 2023
Services by Werner Sobek
Preparation of a brochure on the evaluation of resource efficiency potentials through the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the construction planning phase
VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH, Berlin (DE)