ZHI is a new building of the Media University in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. In addition to lecture halls, seminar rooms and laboratories, the building contains the university’s library and a television studio. The shell-shaped building consists of three floors above ground and one below ground.

Shell-Shaped Building Made of Reinforced Concrete Components

The dimensions of the building are approx. 90 m x 40 m in plan with a maximum height of 13 m above ground. The supporting structure consists of reinforced concrete elements supplemented by reinforced concrete composite girders and steel bridges. They connect individual building wings separated by inner courtyards.

Werner Sobek was responsible for the structural engineering of the project.

Universitätsbauamt Stuttgart und Hohenheim/Germany

Planning time
2011 − 2012

Construction time
2012 − 2014

Services by Werner Sobek
Structural engineering

8,290 m²

Vermögen und Bau Baden Württemberg, Stuttgart/Germany

Jean Christen, Mannheim/Germany

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