Zinzendorf Gymnasium
For the new construction of the Zinzendorf Grammar School in Herrnhut, a prefabricated building had to make way for a building in the style of the original baroque building. A three-storey solid building with a partial basement was erected in accordance with the criteria for the protection of historical monuments. With a bridge structure in the middle, the two-storey building spans Christian-David-Straße.
BNB Gold Certification Received
Werner Sobek is responsible for the certification of the sustainability of the building itself as well as for comprehensive consultation and coordination of the steps necessary to achieve the goal (definition of necessary verifications/qualities).

Daniel Neuer, Berthelsdorf (DE)
Planning time
2015 – 2016
Construction time
2016 – 2020
Services by Werner Sobek
- BNB and DGNB Quick Check
- BNB certification during the project (incl. Life-Cycle Assessment, Life-Cycle Costs and a Recycling Concept)
- ERDF funding with verifiable CO₂ savings
9,624 m²
Evangelische Brüder-Unität (Unity of the Brethren), Zinzendorf (DE)
Thomas Glaubitz, Zittau (DE)